La raffinata cittadina georgiana di Bath si è confermata meta ideale per vivere l’esperienza del “soggiorno-studio” nel Regno Unito. Qui, e nei suoi dintorni, 45 studenti del Liceo Copernico hanno fatto un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio: dal magico cerchio preistorico di Stonehenge, attraverso i Roman Baths, passando per la mitica Avalon di re Artù fino alla fondazione della religione anglicana, di cui la Glastonbury Abbey rimane suggestiva testimonianza. Fra gli studenti c’è già chi ha iniziato a sognare di essere, un giorno, uno dei residenti del Christchurch College di Oxford. Le lezioni di lingua alla scuola Best in Bath, così come le serate trascorse a conversare con le premurose host families hanno contribuito a rendere quel sogno meno lontano.

From the 26th September to 3rd October 2019 we stayed in the beautiful city of Bath to try a new experience: staying in a family for one week and becoming an English student.
I think it was a fruitful experience because we had the opportunity to improve our English, to live without our parents for one week and to meet foreign people. I really liked the excursions we took; one of my favourites was Stonehenge: it is a magical and incredible archaeological site from which you can enjoy the relaxing view of the countryside.

What also struck me of Britain was people's interest in taking care of cities, public places, parks and the countryside. In fact, I appreciated the beautiful buildings and efficient means of transport of Bath, Salisbury and Oxford; I really liked the public places, in particular the English typical cafés and their local atmosphere. I was impressed by the neatness of the parks, which had perfect green grass.
It is so beautiful to go to another country like England, to look around and say: “ Yes, I am right here!.

The week my schoolmates and I spent in Bath was one of the most amazing of my life. Besides English, I have learnt a lot of new things about British and European history and culture.
We stayed at the City of Bath, UNESCO heritage, and had the opportunity to study the Georgian style and period. We also visited the Jane Austen Centre and even though, maybe, we did not understand everything about her life, what we saw will help us when next year we study her novels.
All the monuments and the places we visited took us on a trip from the most ancient ages to the modern era. From Stonehenge to the Magna Charta, from the Roman Baths to Jane Austen and her novels. The whole journey was very interesting, but I must say that there are a few places I enjoyed more than others: the ones where there was a lot of mystery in the air such as Stonehenge or Glastonbury Abbey. The atmosphere in these sites was very weird. It was as if all the problems you had before coming in just disappeared, making you feel very relaxed. This is due to two electromagnetic waves that meet right over there.
I have also learnt a few practical things like “never ask for pasta or pizza in Great Britain”: it will never be as good as typical dishes like the roast dinner, which is usually eaten at weekends.
I hope I will return to Britain someday because this experience was incredible!

The family that hosted me during the week in Bath is composed of 3 people and a dog: Kerry, the mother, Finn and Artie, two teenage children, and a very sweet Labrador named Marmitte. During that week I had a beautiful relationship with Kerry as she was very helpful with transport, organization and the English language. Every day when we returned home from school we were greeted warmly; in the evenings we had dinner with the whole family. At the end of the meal, my partner Valentina and I stayed to help; after cleaning everything we started talking with our host lady about whatever came to our mind: school, friends, current affairs.
I will always be thankful to Kerry for making this experience fantastic.